Events Liability Insurance
Collections Assist

Events Liability insurance For Your Business
Experience peace of mind when planning your next event with Auto&General's Events Liability Insurance, because when it comes to events, we’re here for you. Our commitment is to ensure your business stays shielded from any legal concerns stemming from third party property damage or bodily injury during your event. With our comprehensive protection, you can operate your business with confidence, knowing we're here to support you every step of the way.
What Is Events Liability Insurance?
Events Liability Insurance shields event organisers, exhibitors, sponsors, and managers from legal liabilities resulting from third party property damage or bodily injury during events. This type of business insurance empowers you to create memorable experiences for your attendees, knowing that your business is protected.

Why You Need Events Liability Insurance?
The Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act of 2010 makes it a legal mandate to have event liability cover for certain events. However, even where it isn’t a legal obligation, as a prudent business owner protecting yourself from legal liability and potential financial crisis is vital. So, protect your event, your vision, and your future with Events Liability Insurance from Auto&General. It's not just about legality; it's about knowing we’re there for you, so you can host with confidence.
What Types Of Events Are Covered By Our Events Liability insurance?
An event encompasses gatherings with potential risks to people or property, like public gatherings, festivals, or sports events. Safety is our priority as organisers, which means having the right insurance coverage in place.
At Auto&General, we are committed to providing you with the right insurance for your events business, including:
- Bars and pubs
- Cafes
- Cooking schools
- Exhibition halls
- Holiday resorts
- Restaurants
- Non-profits
- Party hire venues
- Sports centres
- Wedding venues
- Sports stadiums
- Social clubs

What Types Of Events Liabilty Insurance Policies Do We Offer?
- Short period policies which cover once off events ranging from one day to a maximum of six weeks.
- Annual Policies which provide cover for all of your events throughout the year
We offer a minimum limit of R1 million and a maximum limit of R100 million.
Auto&General offers comprehensive Event Liability Insurance that protects your business from unforeseen risks. Get a quote for Event Liability coverage from Auto&General today and ensure legal compliance and peace of mind for your events.
Stand out in a crowd! Give your business the online presence it deserves. This benefit helps give your brand an edge.
Get help with workplace emergencies. We cover the first hour’s call-out fee for plumbers, electricians, and glaziers.
Safe Drive & Convenience Drive helps you get home safe. Get driven home by our shuttle service in a dispatched vehicle or your own car.
Why would my business need Collections Assist?
Collecting debts and unpaid invoices can be difficult and costly, which is why we’ll do the data washing, tracing, and collections calls so that you can focus on the profits. Collections Assist will not only save you the stress of collecting debts to keep your business profitable, but also save you debt collection agency fees.
How does Collections Assist work?
We use multiple collection services comprising of data washing, tracing, collection calls, tactical SMS attempts to enhance payments or contact, email attempts to enhance payments or contact and risk segmentation as well as multiple payment options including NAEDOs, Pay@, direct deposits, EFT, MasterpassTM and SnapScan options – all with the intention of collecting the debts that are owed to your business.
Will Business Assist pay for a law firm?
At your request, your accounts can be referred to a law firm for further legal action; however, this cost will be for your own account.
Our customers generally score us 9.2 out of 10 when asked how easy it was to interact with us.