Auto & General Pet Insurance Quote
For over three decades, you’ve relied on us to take care of all your insurance needs. Now you can rely on us to take care of your Pet Insurance too. We offer three plans, allowing you to select the one best suited to your needs – and finances. All plans are backed by our Service Promise – which we’ve extended to include Pet Insurance.
Our Service Promise to you and your pets
You will speak to a knowledgeable and experienced advisor. To ensure you can focus on your pet’s wellbeing, we promise to keep you updated on the important details of your claim and you will have access to a claim’s consultant through your claims process.

Other important information:
Cover exclusions:
- Pre-existing conditions are excluded on all plans.
- For the first 12 months of cover on the Core and Premium plans: hip & elbow dysplasia, displacement of the patella (kneecap), entropion, ectropion, cherry eye, cruciate ligament rupture, brachycephalic conditions in flat-faced breeds, intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) in long-bodied breeds.
- Total exclusion of congenital/hereditary conditions on the Emergency plan.
- There is no excess for Wellness, Dignified Ending and 3rd Party Liability claims.
- There is only a 10% excess on Minor Care and Diagnostic claims.
- Excess on Surgery & Hospitalisation: First 6 months of cover – 25% (minimum R500), whichever is greater Month 7 of cover onwards – 10% (minimum R500), whichever is greater
- Kindly note that the above excesses are applied per claim.
Waiting periods:
- No waiting period for accidents (including accidental death under Dignified Ending).
- 30-day waiting period for Illness, Wellness, Minor Care, Diagnostics and 3rd Party claims.
- 6-month waiting period for death due to natural causes (old age) under Dignified Ending.
- 12-month waiting period (on Core and Premium Plans) for congenital/hereditary conditions.
How are policies underwritten?
You’ll be asked to disclose any pre-existing conditions when you take out a policy.
What's the difference between congenital and hereditary conditions?
These terms can be used interchangeably but there are subtle differences in their meanings. Congenital conditions are present at birth or soon thereafter but not necessarily inherited from the pet’s parents (e.g. a physical abnormality, like a cleft lip), whereas hereditary conditions may manifest later in life but are passed down from the pet’s parents (e.g. hip dysplasia in certain dogs).
What is included in the Wellness Benefit?
Routine, preventative care which covers voluntary sterilisation, vaccinations, deworming, tick and flea control, anal gland expression and nail clipping.
How does 3rd Party Liability work?
In terms of domestic animal ownership, strict liability applies for damages caused. Our cover aims to assist you with the cost of medical bills and damages to property, where legal action hasn’t necessarily taken place.
How do claims work for Auto & General?
Claims for admission to hospital require pre-authorisation. For a planned procedure this can be done prior to your pet being admitted. Documentation needs to include a claim form and quote from the vet.
Other claim types can be reimbursed after treatment has taken place and been paid for. You just need to submit a claim form, invoice and proof of payment from the vet.
A veterinary history may be requested if further information is required. You can submit a claim via email at petclaims@autogen.co.za or call us on 0861 07 77 00.